Nicole Wilsone's Article in Health and Fitness

372 Eye Makeup Tips
Whenever we look into someone's eyes, we feel we can learn a lot about them even before they say a single word. Eyes are considered to be the windows to the soul. Eyes are beautiful. Apply eye cream or concealer with your ring finger to gently pat the cream into the skin.
Posted on Jul-27-2010

382 Tonsillitis Removal
Tonsils are lymphatic glands located to the top of the throat at the back of the mouth and can be seen when you open the mouth. Tonsils are part of the natural body defense as they help to filter bacteria and prevent them from entering the body that is why tonsillitis occurs frequently in the children.
Posted on Jul-24-2010

453 Jaundice In Newborn Baby
Jaundice is a malfunction of the liver when too much of bilirubin is produced and the liver is unable to remove it, or if the liver has a defect and cannot remove the bilirubin from the blood and the third reason is when the bile duct is blocked and the flow of bilirubin and bile to the intestines is restricted.
Posted on Jul-24-2010

395 Leg Exercises
A lot people seem to find it hard to lose leg fat. Whether it's your thighs or your calves, the fat just seems to stick to some area of your lower body and doesn't let go.
Posted on Jul-22-2010

573 Eye Exercise
When it comes to your eyesight, we all know that sometimes due to age and other factors that our eyesight sometimes may not be what it is supposed to be. New research, however, has proved that bad vision isn't always caused by genetics; lifestyle and environment can play a major part in the health of our eyes.
Posted on Jul-22-2010

758 Neem Health Benefits
Neem needs no introduction in today's world. A very famous herb of India with worldwide fame and having magical properties known for its miraculous medicinal values from past 5000 years. Neem is known as free tree of India as it is found almost everywhere in India.
Posted on Jul-21-2010

380 Keeping Skin Clean
Nowadays our skin's health has become a very important part of our lifestyle. Everyone likes to look at a person with a smooth, beautiful skin as well as the ones with skin care problems are isolated. Acne is our skin's worst enemy.
Posted on Jul-21-2010

353 Rheumatism Causes And Symptoms
Rheumatism does not refer to a single disease or condition, but to over a 100 conditions based on the location and characteristics of the symptoms. For many years, rheumatism was the generic term used to describe various painful medical conditions.
Posted on Jul-20-2010

313 Health Benefits Of Olive Oil
Olive oil benefits have long been made known decades ago. The use of olive oil is an old exercise that continues to exist in the today's world. In fact, even medical studies have connected significant findings to olive oil benefits.
Posted on Jul-20-2010

489 kidney Infection
A kidney infection -which is known as pyelonephritis in the medical field - is a serious condition that requires immediate medical assistance because if it is left untreated it can cause damage to the kidneys that is irreversible and the infection may enter the bloodstream causing a potentially life threatening condition.
Posted on Jul-16-2010

310 Inflammation Of Liver
Cirrhosis of the Liver is the chronic inflammation of the liver, which results in scar tissue replacing the normal liver tissue. The scar tissue of the liver blocks the flow of blood through the organ and disrupts the normal functions of the liver. Most common cause is excessive alcohol consumption.
Posted on Jul-16-2010

352 Back Acne Causes
The problem of back acne remains even though many tend to believe that it is not as severe as acne on the face. That is because of the location - the back, which is covered at most times by clothing.
Posted on Jul-15-2010

421 Balance Exercises
Losing your balance can be a frightening experience especially if you are an older adult or a senior. In fact it can be frightening at any age but when you are older the consequences could be dire. Dislocated shoulders, broken hips, broken arms are just a few of the injuries that may happen when you lose your balance.
Posted on Jul-13-2010

311 Alcoholism And Society Facts
According to the health group of people, alcoholism is a disease and/or addiction to the utilization of alcohol, and an incapability to distinguish the disabling effects of excessive alcohol consumption. Going out for a drink after work is considered a normal way to end the day.
Posted on Jul-13-2010

366 Ringworm Problems
Ringworm problems in humans are very ordinary. Still, because there are so many different fungal roots of ringworm, it can show itself in many different shapes and sizes.
Posted on Jul-12-2010

353 Bed Wetting Solutions
Finding bed wetting solutions is something that parents spend a lot of time looking for when they have an older child with a bedwetting problem. There are many products on the market that offer relief in keeping the child dry at night, but these are not really solutions that will cure the bed wetting forever.
Posted on Jul-12-2010

378 Smallpox As A Threat
Smallpox is one of the most devastating diseases in the history of mankind. Believed to originate more than three millennia ago in India or Egypt, epidemics caused by smallpox have decimated populations across continents.
Posted on Jul-09-2010

502 How To Avoid Food Poisoning
Food poisoning results when you eat food contaminated with bacteria or other pathogens such as parasites or viruses. Your symptoms may range from upset stomach to diarrhea, fever, vomiting, abdominal cramps and dehydration.
Posted on Jul-09-2010

425 Daily Calorie Intake
If you are trying to lose weight or you have reached your goal and would like to maintain your weight, please continue reading. In this article, we will discuss the recommended daily calorie intake for both weight loss dieters and people who just want to maintain weight.
Posted on Jul-06-2010

413 What Is Homeostasis?
Throughout everyday life rarely do we give thought as to how our trillions of cells- throughout constant contact- are maintained to produce a relatively stable environment.
Posted on Jul-06-2010